Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Red Velvet

For anyone that knows me, they know how much I love Red Velvet Cupcakes and anything to do with Red Velvet.  It could just be the rich red color and creamy frosting or the way that it just melts in your mouth and stains your teeth from all of the red food coloring.  Here are some fun recipes I came across but have not had the chance to try yet:

Last night my girlfriend and I enjoyed catching up over some Red Velvet Wine, which I had never tried but she swears by how good it is.  How can I not look forward to a glass of wine named after one of my favorite foods?  My first initial reaction was that it did not taste like a cupcake, which I don't even really know why I was expecting it to.  The wine was light, flavorful, and delicious.  Cupcake Vineyards is the brand that makes this wine and their winery is located in Monterey County, California.  You can find this wine at your local stores and Bev-Mo, the bottle runs around $13 but you can usually catch it on sale for around $7-$8.  I would definitely recommend this wine to all the cupcake loving wine drinkers out there.

Go ahead, live deliciously!

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