Friday, October 14, 2011

Friday Favorite's

So it has been a really long week and as I posted before I have not had time to even be by the computer.  So in the small amount of time I was able to catch up on life and go online here are my favorites for the week.  Because I have been so MIA this week, I gave you 6 favorites instead of 5. = )

I will be in Santa Barbara this weekend for their Beer Festival, hope all of you have a safe and fun weekend.
{Vintage Cake Stands}

{Cool decorating idea:  dried eucalyptus}

{Cute Idea Wedding Idea}

{Fall Bucket Lists}

{Framed Wall Paper}

{Back of this dress and the color red}

1 comment:

Jess{BecauseImTwentySomething} said...

What a great versatile dress! I want it